Landscape Maintenance

(  5714154866 (Text/VM) 

Steph holding a small Ailanthus tree

(Steph showing off the roots of a very young Ailanthus altissima 'Tree of Heaven' to a group of training Master Naturalists. Photo credit: Fairfax MN Lea)

Trusting anyone in your outdoor space is major so we treat it that way. Each landscape is handled with respect & care because we understand what the environment needs to thrive. Our job requires great attention to detail as we maintain highly planted grounds & sensitive habitats. This team knows the difference between a weed & a great volunteering plant. We don't use harmful chemicals or synthetic fertilizers that could harm beneficial insects, fungi, threatened species or end up in the Chesapeake Bay. We differ from other landscapers because our focus is not to get it done as quickly as possible to move on to the next job, but to maintain a habitat that promotes positive human and wildlife balance.

Green Steeze manages invasive weeds, by manually removing roots, cutting to reduce vigor of plants that cant be removed, girdling of invasive trees, redefining bed edges for air pruning, mulching with leaves or hardwood to protect the soil & overwintering species, removing problematic plantings, pruning for health of shrubs that help to block noxious weeds, fall & winter sowing of native seeds, addressing irrigation problems & much more!

What are Invasive Plants?

Non-native plants that pose serious environmental threats, are invasive/noxious weeds. You CAN'T eradicate invasive weeds that spread by seed, but you CAN manage them to reduce their prevalence and negative pressure on your landscaped plants or woodland. According to the USDA, invasive species have contributed to the decline of 42% of US endangered and threatened species. We follow the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation's invasive plant list, but we are also paying close attention and can identify plants that are being too aggressive in your garden.

We do not consider native plants, invasive weeds, and can usually pot up and donate native species that are maybe too prolific within a space as well as native saplings that come up in spots that can't support their full growth.

Our best success stories come from a combination of clean-up, design & maintenance. 

Some folks would rather DIY maintenance to save money. We suggest consultation for DIY to provide you with a professional perspective of how to manage each invasive species because they are not all managed the same way. This usually takes about 2 hours (video chat).  

Check out what we DO ..

Landscaping Questions:

Nothing hidden!

Landscape Maintenance We DO:

Locations We DO:

Northern Virginia: Arlington County, Town of Vienna, Alexandria City, Fairfax County/City, Loudoun County, Manassas City, Prince William County


Install invasive plants, foreign grasses mono-culture, apply harmful chemicals, fertilize unnecessarily, non-permeable hardscapes, kill the animals & bugs you find gross, try to impress you with stock pictures we found online, etc (snoring), weed in dog poop. Can't weed on our hands & knees in poop.

*We cant make every weed in your yard disappear.. this isn't how weeds work


  • We care about your green space!
  • The numbers aren't motivational for us. The more clients we have the more people we get to help build a love for the natural world
  • We don't use harmful products or equipment just because it's faster
  • We don't come cut your grass because it's Thursday & we said we'd cut it on Thursday (despite all elements)
  • We don't cut diseased shrubs & then come cut your shrubs with the same dirty tools
  • We don't bake sun sensitive plants in full sun just because you thought they would be cute.. trust us it won’t be cute.. 
  • We plant for diversity and environment.. so like.. the deer won't be eating your prized flowers because we don't plant deer candy where deer visit unless you want to feed them..   
  • We're not dog poop scooper uppers.. nor do we want to work in it
  • We don't sink trees in the ground burlap wrapped & then shrug our shoulders at you a year later when they're knocking on death's door
  • We're real outdoor lovers.. not a bunch of hourly robots
  • 100% honesty at all times

 (prices are subject to change & are based on the work required)

*Certified & Insured