Quick Links: Virtual Classes | Group Presentations | Media Kit

Check Out Classes We Do ..

Let's talk habitats, invasive management, veggies, & all things plants! Classes are taught by conservation landscape designer, Steph of Green Steeze!

We offer virtual & in-person presentations, with Q&A to address your personal experiences in small or one-on-one classes.

Group Presentations 


Virtual Classes: 

Managing Invasive Plant Pressure In Your Yard

Plant Care Course for Brown Thumbs (beginners)

Restoring Wildlife Habitats in Your Yard (beginner to advanced)

Introduction to Native Plants of Northern Virginia (beginners)

Growing Food Indoors (beginner to advanced)

Keeping Houseplants Happy (beginner)

Eco Friendly in Rental  (beginner to advanced)

HOA Friendly Native Gardens (beginner to advanced)

Hydroponics for the Win  (beginner to advanced)


Media Kit:


Short Bio

Stephanie Johnson is a conservationist, landscape designer & owner of Green Steeze, an eco-friendly company with a focus on native habitats and “green” living. As a true native of Northern Virginia, born and raised in Prince William County, community service is a priority for her, which is why she dedicates over 100 hours per year to environmental volunteerism and community education. Steph's educational background is in business technology and environmental studies. She is certified as a Chesapeake Bay Landscape Professional and provides support for multiple conservation organizations. As an urban farmer, with a specialization in small spaced food production, Stephanie has a passion to make fresh food more accessible for all people, utilizing hydroponics, aquaponics aeroponics and containerized systems to help people grow food sustainably. As a proud mom of 4 amazing kids, Steph loves to teach children about native species and local habitats, firmly believing that an eco-friendly future starts with making a personal connection with nature.



Photos may only be used in connection with Stephanie Johnson or Green Steeze, and approved by our office. Please verify with our office before using. 

Green Steeze logo Steph of Green Steeze with construction goggles over eyes

Steph of Green Steeze Steph of Green Steeze teaching classes Steph & Kid Steph & baby Steph of Green Steeze & Mom Steph of Green Steeze sitting on stacked pallets of boulders  Steph of Green Steeze holding up peace sign Steph of Green Steeze volunteering at Earth Sangha Steph of Green Steeze seeding fish tank Steph of Green Steeze holding binder of branded stickers in support of local brands Steph of Green Steeze in poncho on hike Steph as Child with taxidermy in the background

Social Media: 

Facebook | Instagram | YouTube


Public Television Features:

Virginia Home Grown - Microclimates - PBS 

Demonstrating Plant Communities within Landscapes - PBS


Public Presentations: 

6th Annual Native Plant Symposium - Prince William

5th Annual Native Plant Symposium - Prince William 



connect@greensteeze.com | 571-415-4866 | PO Box 194, Gainesville, VA 20156 | greensteeze.com



